Publications, Sites

Castra Oresbi: a Roman military settlement up in the Serra do Marão?


Lino Tavares Dias and António Baptista Lopes stated the existence of a Roman military camp up in the very top of the Serra do Marão (Portugal). A rectangular enclosure and a stone tower would be the archaeological evidence sustaining that interpretation. This sugested Roman camp (the only one catalogued in Northern Portugal) was also identified thanks to an inscription carved over a rock located in the nearby: Castra Oresbi. However, the meagre archaeological evidence implied the to the refusal of this interpretation by some scholars (like C. M. Martins).

That is the reason why we proposed an integral review of the avaiable arqueological evidences through the bibliographic search, the archaeological survey, the use of geospatial technologies and the epigraphic analisis. The goal of this work, presented during the congress named Genius Loci: Places and Meanings, was to evaluate the archaeological potential of this area as a whole and to build a new interpretation of this scientific problematic. Now we offer the live-presentation of our coleague João Fonte setting out these topics with surprising conclusiones.

You can also find the presentation here in pdf format.

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