Publications, Techniques

Following the footsteps of the Roman army: a methodology for the detection of Roman military settlements in NW Iberia

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After concluding several research experiences in different areas of NW Iberia, we have assessed the potential and limitations of various techniques in a wide range of land types. The usefulness for archeological survey  of those techniques has been totally attested thought an intense testing. In this paper, presented during the congress named Genius Loci: Places and Meanings, we show a methodological proposal  for the detection and study of archaeological features related to the Roman military presence in these territories.

The proposed methodology is based on the combined use of several tools easily accessible to any researcher (historical and modern aerial photography, LiDAR, GIS, field survey, place names and traditional folklore…). Lastly, we also present some proposals for the a divulgation of this interesting archaeological and cultural heritage.

Now we offer the live-intervention of our colleague Andrés Menéndez talking about these topics.

You can also find here the presentation in pdf format.

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