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Valentín Álvarez Martínez.
Valentín Álvarez Martínez. BA in History (2005) and Advanced Studies Diploma (2009) from the University of Oviedo. Since then he has worked in commercial Archeology, mainly monitoring, excavations and reports related to the Asturian cultural Heritage. He currently is co-director -with J.R. Muñiz Alvarez- of the Spanish archaeological team of the international project “Archaeological research around the Qareisan Spring: Jebel al-Mutawwaq dolmen field (Jordan).” Similarly, he is part of the “Project Castillo de Gauzón (Castrillón, Asturias)”. In recent years his research has focused on the so-called Conflict Archaeology.
Rebeca Blanco-Rotea.
PhD in Archaeology (2015) from the University of the Basque Country (UPV-EHU). Postdoctoral researcher at the University of Santiago de Compostela, visiting researcher at the Archaeology Unit of the University of Minho (Portugal). Collaborating researcher at the Institute of Heritage Sciences (Incipit) of the CSIC and Pos-Doc Member of the LAB2PT (landscapes, heritage and Territory Laboratory) of the UMinho. Her research activity focuses on the fortified landscapes of Early Modern Age times and the Early Medieval ecclesiastical architecture, the archaeological methodology and the socialization of the heritage. She participated in 44 archaeological projects, of which she directed 20 projects focused on the study of historical constructions. She is an active member of the Plenary of the Council of Galician Culture, and the coordinator of the Heritage Section of this council. Researchgate Google Scholar LinkedIn
José Manuel Costa García.
PhD in Archeology (2013) and BA in History (2006) with extraordinary degree prize from the University of Santiago de Compostela. Advanced Studies Diploma in Archaeology from the same university (2008). He also got a FPU predoctoral grant (2008-12). Active member of the archaeological research team in the Roman fort of A Cidadela (Sobrado dos Monxes, A Coruña) (2007-2010). Specialized in the study of Roman military presence combining specific methodologies coming from archeology, ancient history, epigraphy and new technologies. Researchgate Google Scholar
João Fonte.
PhD in Archaeology from the University of Santiago de Compostela (2015), with a doctoral fellow from the Portuguese Science Foundation. Advanced Studies Diploma in Archaeology from the University of Santiago de Compostela, with recognition to the master degree by the Faculty of Arts, University of Coimbra (2010). Master in Geographic Information Systems from the University’s Faculty of Arts, University Porto (2008). BA in History, specialization Archaeology from the University of Minho (2006). Areas of expertise: Landscape Archaeology, geospatial technologies and Proto-history and Romanization of Northwest Iberia.
Manuel Gago Mariño.
PhD in Communication Sicences from the University of Santiago de Compostela, he also is associate professor at the Communication Sciences School of the same university and director of, the internet portal for cultural diffusion of the Council of Galician Culture. He is member of the group Novos Media at the USC, where research focuses on information architecture, social networks and new media and science languages. His blog, the oldest still active in Galicia, is Capítulo Cero.
Jesús García Sánchez.
Jesús García Sánchez (Salamanca 1984), licenciado en Historia por la Universidad de Salamanca en 2006, defendió su tesis doctoral en la Universidad de Cantabria en 2012 centrada en la Arqueología del Paisaje de la Segunda Edad del Hierro y época romana altoimperial en el norte de Burgos y Palencia. Durante su época de becario predoctoral participó como co-director en la excavación del castro más grande de la Península Ibérica, La Ulaña, en la provincia de Burgos y realizó prospecciones en el entorno de la ciudad romana de Segisamo, Sasamón y yacimientos rurales desde el Segundo Hierro a época tardorromana. Desde entonces ha realizado prospecciones de diverso tipo en el sur de Italia, España, Grecia Israel y Portugal. En la actualidad es investigador post-doctoral en la Universidad de Leiden, Holanda, y compagina proyectos de investigación en Molise y Basilicata (Italia) con la prospección y excavación del castro de Castarreño (posible Segisama indígena, junto a Sasamón).
David González Álvarez.
PhD in Prehistory (2016) and 2015-2016 Doctoral Extraordinary Award at the Complutense University of Madrid, where he completed his doctoral research stage thanks to a FPU fellowship (2009-2013), after graduating in History (2007) at the University of Oviedo. Currently, he is a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Heritage Sciences (Incipit), CSIC in Santiago de Compostela (2016-2019) and Visiting Research Fellow at the Department of Archaeology, Durham University (UK) (2016-2018). His research focuses on the biographies of cultural landscapes in the Cantabrian Mountains (NW Iberia) between the Neolithic and the Roman period combining the integrated study of archaeological, palaeoenvironmental and ethnographic datasets. Google Scholar
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Andrés Menéndez Blanco.
BA in History (2009) from the University of Oviedo, where he was subsequently hired with a FICYT scholarship (2010-2014). He continued his studies at universities in London and Padua. His research focuses on the evolution of rural settlement between Antiquity and the Middle Ages, using a Landscape Archaeology methodology. Since 2007 he has also been also researching the archeology of the Roman conquest of the Iberian Northwest.